
Confidentially report COVID-19 positive results or possible exposure by:

填这个 网上报告表格.

Do not make a report if you were recently vaccinated and are experiencing side effects.

If you live on campus, please upload the 住房返还校园表格 and submit a negative test result before ending isolation.

基督教社会联盟DH提供了一个 COVID-19报告表 that can be filled out and submitted online. If you still have questions after you file the reporting form, you can submit a 在线跟进问题表. 如果您目前处于隔离协议中,并计划在第6天重新测试以结束隔离, please upload your negative test result on the 返回校园表格 在返回校园之前.

This page contains information about 基督教社会联盟DH COVID-19 reporting, 健康和安全协议, and legislation regarding employer responsibilities.

For information about the number of reported COVID-19 cases on campus, visit the COVID-19仪表板.


的 COVID-19 Response Team has established a protocol for responding to positive and prospective cases on campus; this process is in partnership with several offices and departments. 这些指南旨在教育校园社区在这一过程中所涉及的步骤,以确保准确, 及时的, and transparent information is relayed to the campus community. 随着新的公共卫生指南的发布,这些指南可能随时发生变化.

以下流程图显示了有人拨打COVID-19报告热线或COVID-19应急响应小组将采取的步骤 submits the 网上报告表格. 的 team has protocols for the person reporting (Case), including finding out whether the Case has had any close contact with others. Protocols for close contacts of the Case are shown under 联系.



First, a person infected with COVID-19 fills out the online form. If the employee/student is a positive case:

  • 员工/学生隔离, and upon completion of the survey, a confirmation will be sent to the email provided.
    • 如果未上传阳性COVID结果,则阳性病例将不被视为有效.
  • If symptoms subside within 5 days, re-test on day 6. 第一天从症状出现的第一天或检测结果呈阳性的当天开始. (无论哪一天先到.)
  • 如果在第6天是负数, use the 返回校园表格 to upload negative result 在返回校园之前. Continue to wear a mask indoors until 10 days from onset or initial positive test.
  • If an infected person has been in close contact with other individuals On Campus. 将阳性结果通知密切接触者,并建议他们完成密切接触者调查 公牛在一起 网站.

If a close contact of a positive case is vaccinated and not showing symptoms, 他们可以回到校园.

If a close contact of a positive case if vaccinated and showing symptoms:

  • Quarantine surveys sent and required to be completed.
  • Quarantine until cleared to return by EHS/EM.

If a close contact of a positive case is unvaccinated:

  • Quarantine surveys sent and required to be completed.
  • Quarantine until cleared to return by EHS/EM.



Required COVID-19 Notification and Workers Compensation

已确定建筑物内受影响区域的所有高接触点均已使用EPA批准的消毒剂进行清洁和消毒,以杀死SARS-COV-2, 除非根据疾病预防控制中心的清洁和消毒指南,在感染期过后才通知校园, then normal cleaning procedures apply.

如果您被阳性病例通知或通过大学COVID-19应对小组通知您是密切接触者, please follow the flowchart above. 密切接触者是指在COVID-19病例感染期间的24小时内与COVID-19病例共用同一室内空域累计累计15分钟或更长时间的人.

For assistance with general benefits or leave questions around COVID-19, please contact 人力资源 at 310-243-3771 or

一般健康 & safety questions regarding COVID-19 contact”

加利福尼亚州最近通过了AB 2693,要求雇主在与员工沟通和处理与COVID-19相关的伤害索赔方面采取具体行动, 常见问题解答, 请参阅下文.


1. 我将看到什么样的变化?


基督教社会联盟DH将提供一个电子门户网站,说明患有COVID-19确诊病例的员工或分包商在场所的日期和暴露地点, 包括地板, 建筑, 或者另一个领域.


2. Will a campus notification be uploaded to the portal for every positive case?

No. 该规定仅要求校园通知在阳性病例感染期间与该病例在同一栋楼的所有员工和分包商员工.

3. What is the infectious period of a COVID-19 positive case?

疾病预防控制中心 定义了 传染期为“出现症状前2天至出现症状后10天之间的一段时间”.”

4. Will the identity of a positive case be published to the campus?

No. 联邦隐私法禁止未经授权分享任何员工或学生的医疗信息, including COVID-19 positive diagnosis. 其他识别信息,如办公室号码也是禁止的,不会共享.

5. Who is on the team that completes the exposure investigation?

暴露调查由COVID应对小组完成,该小组由以下领域组成:环境卫生 & Safety, Student 健康 Center, 人力资源 and University Police.

6. 如果我在学校被诊断为COVID-19阳性,我有什么好处?


7. Will my union representative be notified of my on-campus positive COVID-19 diagnosis?

是的, this is a requirement of Assembly Bill 2693. Medical information is only shared in compliance with federal privacy laws.

8. 如果我和COVID-19检测呈阳性的人在同一栋楼里,我该怎么办?

除非直接与阳性病例联系,否则没有什么具体的你应该做的. If you feel that you were exposed, you can wear a mask for 10 days. 如果你出现症状, remove yourself from campus and if you test positive, complete the 网上报告表格.

9. Where can I find Benefits information on the campus 网站?

HR COVID-19页面 contains information on benefits available to 教职员工. 如果对所提供的信息有任何疑问,请联系人力资源部, 是在页面上提供的.